Best Banking Exam Coaching Classes in Dombivli, Thane
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“Work hard for a year and see yourself as a bank employee next year”
Overview of Banking Exam
- IBPS: Institute of Banking personnel selection exams are held every year by (IBPS) for 20 PSU banks for the selection of probationary officers.
- IBPS Clerk: It is a common exam held by the Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) for 20 PSU Banks for the recruitment of Clerical Cadres.
- IBPS Clerk: An Exam Conducted by the Institute of Personnel selection for PSU banks for the recruitment of clerical cadres.
- IBPS Specialist Officers (IBPS SO): It is a common exam conducted by the Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) for 20 PSU Banks for the recruitment of Specialist Officers like Marketing Officer, IT Officer, HR officers, etc.
- IBPS Regional Rural Bank Exam: Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) conducts a common written exam for all the Regional Rural Banks of India (RRBs) for the posts of Probationary Officer, Clerical and Specialist Officers.
- SBI Probationary Officer: State Bank of India conducts its own exam for recruitment of Probationary Officers.
- SBI Clerk: SBI handles its own exam for recruitment of Clerical Cadres every year.
- RBI Grade B Exam: RBI recruits officers (Grade B) via the All India exam. , there are very few jobs in this, but working with RBI has its own benefits and prospects.
- RBI Assistants Exam: RBI recruits Clerical Cadres through an All India exam. Again, a job in RBI is considered very prestigious.
- MPSC State Services Examination
- MPSC Maharashtra Forest Services Examination
- Maharashtra Agricultural Service Examination
- MPSC Maharashtra Engineering Services Gr
MPSC Maharashtra Engineering Services Gr-B Examination – Maharashtra Engineering Services Group B Exam
- MPSC Civil Judge (Jr Div), Judicial Magistrate (Ist Class) Competitive Exam • MPSC Asstt. Motor Vehicle Inspector Exam
MPSC Assist. Engineer (Electrical) Gr-II,
MPSC Police Sub-Inspector Examination
MPSC Sales Tax Inspector Examination
MPSC Tax Assistant Examination
MPSC Assistant Examination
MPSC Clerk Typist Examination
Bank Exams Pattern
Hiring in government bodies is generally done in a three-stage recruitment method. The first two stages are written tests, which are called Pre and Main; and the last stage is the interview process. Selection of shortlisted candidates is done at each stage – Pre, Main, and in Interview too. The final merit list is prepared based on individual marks in Mains and Interview (weightage: 80% Written Test & 20% Interview)
Bank Exam Syllabus
In written banking exams generally, the syllabus contains Aptitude questions to check the
intelligence of an individual.
In Prelims, there would be 100 questions subdivided into three categories –
Quantitative Aptitude (35 Questions),
Reasoning Ability (35 Questions),
English (30).
In the Mains exams, a total of 200 questions would be asked covering Quantitative Aptitude, Reasoning Ability, English Language, General Awareness, and Basic It Knowledge.
Why Choose GICE Academy?
- A record has been set by our institute for Guiding students to achieve their goal in banking exams hence we are the most trusted and top institute for banking classes in Dombivli.
- 72 students from our classes who have appeared for SBI PO and IBPS exams have successfully cracked the exams, we aim in delivering the best service to our students and sustain the tag of being the best institute for banking exams in Thane.
- Our faculties precisely for banking exams are highly qualified and carry 10 + years of experience in the education sector, the founder of the institute himself gives exams every year and shares the experience with students and guides them.
Banking Courses