There are subjective and objective questions on the GMAT exam. There are 80 questions in all on this computer adaptive test, and you have 3 hours and 7 minutes to complete it. For students hoping to enroll in some of the most prestigious business schools in the world, it is one of the most important exams. Due to the GMAT Exam’s universality, there is a lot of competition among the students. The Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC), which administers the test, sets the GMAT exam format.

  • Analytical Writing Assessment
  • Integrated Reasoning
  • Quantitative Reasoning
  • Verbal Reasoning

Exam Pattern

  • The GMAT has 80 questions and a 3 hour, 7 minute time limit.
  • The exam’s questions are intended to test candidates’ analytical and reasoning abilities; it has no set syllabus.
  • The GMAT exam has a time limit for each section, and the time limit varies depending on the section.
  • The order in which candidates attempt the GMAT Exam can be chosen from three different combinations.
  • The sections for verbal reasoning and integrated reasoning are computer adaptive, meaning that once an answer has been marked, it cannot be changed or skipped.
  • Multiple-choice questions are used in the verbal and quantitative reasoning sections.
  • Assessment for Analytical Writing includes an essay question.
  • Non-MCQ questions make up Integrated Reasoning.

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