GMAT Study Advice What is the best way to guarantee GMAT success? Although each test taker is unique, most people can benefit from the following test tips.

Begin your studies early-According to a GMAC survey of 3,600 test takers, 62% of respondents started studying four or more weeks before the test. Additionally, test-takers who studied more did better: scores of 500 or higher were obtained with 60 hours or more of study.

Enroll in a prep course-While there is no assurance that taking a prep course will improve your grade, they can teach you time management skills, hold you accountable, and give you access to insider information on how to master test questions.

Use time management techniques-Even if you are aware of the material, running out of time on one of the GMAT’s sections is a regrettable way to lower your score. To get a sense of how much time you can spend on each question, it is a good idea to practice pacing before the test. Ideally, you should take a practice exam.

Practice GMAT questions– Practice tests can help you get ready for other aspects of the real thing in addition to helping you establish a good test-taking pace. Online or in a test preparation book from the bookstore, you can find sample exams.

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