How to HIGH score in Law CLAT Exam 2024

The Common Law Admission Test, often known as CLAT, is a golden ticket for many students in India. It’s the door to some of the country’s best law schools. But here’s the big question: How can one achieve a High score in Law CLAT Exam?

The answer isn’t just about reading books day and night. It’s more than that. It’s about understanding the clat exam pattern, knowing what to expect, and being ready for it. It’s about practicing with mock tests and learning from sample papers and question papers. It’s about diving deep into the clat syllabus and making sure you know it inside out.

In this article, we’ll guide you step by step. We’ll show you how to use clat mock tests to your advantage and how to make the most of your study time. So, if you dream of scoring high in the CLAT and securing a seat in a top law school, you’re in the right place. Let’s start this journey together and aim for that High score in Law CLAT Exam!

Understand the CLAT Exam Pattern:

To achieve a High score in Law CLAT Exam, it’s crucial to first grasp the structure of the test. The CLAT exam pattern is like a map that guides you through the terrain of the exam. By understanding it, you can navigate the challenges more effectively and boost your chances of success.

The CLAT exam is divided into different sections, each testing a specific skill. These sections include English, Current Affairs, Legal Reasoning, Logical Reasoning, and Quantitative Techniques. Knowing the weightage of each section helps in allocating time and effort accordingly.

But why is the exam pattern so important? Imagine going into a battle without knowing the battlefield. You’d be at a disadvantage, right? Similarly, diving into CLAT preparation without understanding its pattern is like setting yourself up for surprises, and not the good kind.

Here’s a breakdown of the clat exam pattern:

Type of questionsMultiple choice questions (MCQs)
Number of questionsCLAT UG – 150
CLAT PG – 100 + 2 subjective
Mode of examPen-and-paper based
Test duration2 hours
Marking schemeEach question will carry 1 mark.
An incorrect question will invite a penalty of 0.25 marks.


The English section is designed to evaluate a candidate’s proficiency in the English language. It’s not just about knowing the language but understanding its nuances.

Comprehension Passages: These are designed to test your reading skills and your ability to understand the central theme, meanings of words and phrases, and the conclusions drawn in the passage. It’s essential to read the passage carefully and understand its context.

Grammar-Based Questions: These questions assess your knowledge of English grammar. From sentence correction to filling in the blanks with appropriate words, this section ensures you have a solid grasp of grammatical rules.

Current Affairs:

In the legal world, being updated with current events is crucial. This section ensures that aspirants are well-aware of the world around them.

News and Events: Questions in this section are framed around recent news, both national and international. It could range from political events, sports, awards, and more. Regular reading of newspapers and monthly current affairs magazines can be beneficial.

This section is the heart of the CLAT exam, given its relevance to the field of law.

Legal Principles and Scenarios: Questions are often based on a given legal principle and a set of facts that might or might not violate the principle. Your task is to apply the principle to the facts and determine the outcome.

Legal Maxims and Terms: Occasionally, you might encounter questions based on legal maxims or terms. Familiarity with common legal terms can be an advantage.

Logical Reasoning:

Lawyers need a sharp mind, and this section tests just that.

Puzzles and Patterns: These questions assess your ability to think on your feet. They might involve sequencing, grouping, or matching items based on given conditions.

Statement and Conclusions: Here, you’ll be given a statement, followed by several conclusions. Your task is to determine which conclusions logically follow from the statement.

Quantitative Techniques:

While law might seem distant from math, some basic quantitative skills are essential.

Arithmetic Problems: These could involve basic operations, percentages, averages, and ratios. Brushing up on elementary math concepts can help you tackle these questions.

Data Interpretation: Sometimes, you might encounter questions based on graphs, charts, or tables. These test your ability to interpret data and draw conclusions.

1English including Comprehension24
2General Knowledge and Current Affairs30
3Legal Reasoning30
4Logical Reasoning24
5Quantitative Techniques12

Set Clear Goals and Create a Study Plan HIGH score in Law CLAT Exam:

Embarking on the journey to achieve a High score in Law CLAT Exam requires more than just hard work; it demands direction and purpose. Setting clear goals and devising a robust study plan are the cornerstones of successful CLAT preparation.

Why Set Goals? Goals act as a beacon, guiding you through the vast sea of the clat syllabus. They give you a clear picture of where you want to be and motivate you to push through challenges. Whether it’s mastering a particular section of the clat exam or solving a specific number of mock tests every week, having tangible goals can significantly boost your productivity.

Steps to Set Effective Goals:

Be Specific: Instead of a vague goal like “I want to do well in the CLAT,” aim for “I want to score above 150 in the Law CLAT Exam.”

Make it Measurable: Track your progress. If your goal is to solve sample papers, set a number. For instance, “I will solve 5 sample papers every week.”

Ensure it’s Achievable: While it’s good to aim high, ensure your goals are realistic. Assess your current preparation level and set goals accordingly.

Relevance is Key: Your goals should align with your broader aim of achieving a High score in Law CLAT Exam. If you’re strong in Legal Reasoning but weak in Current Affairs, prioritize accordingly.

Time-Bound: Every goal should have a deadline. Whether it’s mastering the clat exam pattern in a week or completing the entire clat syllabus in two months, having a timeframe keeps you on track.

Creating a Study Plan:

Once you’ve set your goals, the next step is to create a study plan. This plan acts as a roadmap, detailing how you’ll achieve each goal.

Break Down the Syllabus: Divide the clat syllabus into smaller sections. Allocate specific days or weeks to each section, ensuring you cover everything.

Incorporate Variety: Don’t just stick to reading. Incorporate mock tests, question papers, and interactive learning methods to keep things interesting.

Regular Review: Dedicate time for revising topics you’ve already covered. This ensures retention and better understanding.

Stay Flexible: While it’s essential to stick to your plan, be open to adjustments. If you feel a particular section requires more time, rearrange your schedule accordingly.

Seek Feedback: Regularly take clat mock tests to assess your performance. Analyze your mistakes and adjust your study plan based on areas of improvement.

Follow the Updated CLAT Syllabus and Exam Pattern:

The key to unlocking a High score in Law CLAT Exam lies not just in hard work, but in smart preparation. One of the most crucial aspects of this preparation is staying updated with the latest CLAT syllabus and exam pattern. Let’s delve into why this is so essential and how you can ensure you’re always in the loop.

The Importance of the Updated CLAT Syllabus:

The CLAT syllabus is the foundation of your preparation. It outlines the topics and sub-topics that will be covered in the clat exam. However, like any competitive exam, the syllabus for CLAT can undergo changes. These changes might be minor, like the addition or removal of a few topics, or major, involving a complete overhaul of a section.

Avoiding Surprises: By following the updated syllabus, you ensure there are no unexpected surprises on the exam day. You’ll be prepared for every topic that might appear in the question paper.

Efficient Preparation: Knowing the exact topics to study helps you allocate your time better. You won’t waste time on topics that are no longer relevant.

Staying Updated with the CLAT Exam Pattern:

Understanding the clat exam pattern is equally vital. The exam pattern gives you insights into the structure of the paper, the type of questions, their weightage, and the marking scheme.

Strategizing Your Approach: Once you’re familiar with the exam pattern, you can devise a strategy for attempting the paper. For instance, if a section has a higher weightage, you might want to allocate more time to it during the exam.

Improving Time Management: The clat exam pattern helps you gauge the time you might need for each section. This is crucial for ensuring you complete the paper within the stipulated time.

How to Stay Updated?

Official Websites: The official CLAT website is the primary source of any updates. Regularly check it, especially a few months before the exam.

Mock Tests and Sample Papers: Attempting the latest mock tests and sample papers can give you a feel of the current exam pattern and the type of questions being asked.

Coaching Institutes and Online Forums: These often provide timely updates on any changes in the syllabus or exam pattern. Joining a CLAT-focused forum or group can be beneficial.

Feedback from Previous Year’s Aspirants: Interacting with students who appeared for the exam in the past can offer insights into the paper’s difficulty level and any unexpected changes.

Strengthen Your Basics:

To achieve a High score in Law CLAT Exam, it’s not just about mastering the advanced topics or solving countless mock tests. The foundation of a successful CLAT preparation lies in having a strong grasp of the basics. Let’s explore why this is so crucial and how you can ensure your foundational knowledge is rock solid.

Why Strengthening Basics is Essential:

Building Confidence: When you’re confident about the basics, it boosts your overall self-assurance. You’ll approach even the trickiest questions in the clat exam with a positive mindset.

Facilitating Advanced Learning: Think of basics as the roots of a tree. The stronger they are, the higher the tree can grow. Similarly, a strong foundation makes it easier to understand and tackle advanced topics in the clat syllabus.

Avoiding Silly Mistakes: Many students lose marks due to minor errors, even in questions they know well. A thorough understanding of the basics reduces the chances of such mistakes.

How to Strengthen Your Basics:

Back to the Beginning: Revisit your school textbooks, especially for subjects like English and Mathematics. These books are designed to explain concepts in the simplest manner, making them perfect for building a strong foundation.

Practice with Sample Papers: Before diving into clat mock tests, start with sample papers that focus on basic concepts. This will help you gauge your understanding and identify areas that need more attention.

Interactive Learning: Use online platforms that offer interactive lessons on foundational topics. Videos, quizzes, and infographics can make learning more engaging and effective.

Join Study Groups: Engaging in discussions with peers can offer new perspectives on basic concepts. Explaining a topic to someone else also reinforces your understanding.

Seek Expert Guidance: If there’s a particular topic you’re struggling with, don’t hesitate to seek help. This could be from a teacher, a tutor, or online forums dedicated to CLAT preparation.

Consistent Revision: The basics, though simple, are vast. Regular revision ensures that you retain everything you learn. Dedicate some time each week to go over foundational topics.

How to Prepare for CLAT Quantitative Aptitude Section?

Embarking on the journey to secure a High score in Law CLAT Exam necessitates a strategic approach towards each section, including the Quantitative Aptitude. This section, though seemingly daunting for some, can be a scoring area if tackled with the right methodology.

Understanding the Importance:

Quantitative Aptitude tests your numerical ability and problem-solving skills. It involves basic arithmetic, algebra, and statistical problems, which are crucial for a future law professional in various legal scenarios.

Strategies to Ace Quantitative Aptitude:

Embrace the Basics: Ensure that your fundamental arithmetic skills are polished. This includes understanding core concepts like BODMAS, percentages, averages, and ratios.

Solve Previous Year Question Papers: Engage with question papers from previous years to understand the type and pattern of questions that frequently appear in the clat exam.

Time Management: Practice solving questions with a timer. This will help you manage time effectively during the actual exam and navigate through the clat exam pattern efficiently.

Shortcut Techniques: Learn shortcut methods to solve lengthy problems. This will save time and enable you to attempt more questions.

Regular Mock Tests: Engage in clat mock tests to simulate exam conditions and assess your preparation level.

Legal Reasoning is pivotal in CLAT and demands an understanding of legal propositions, facts, and the ability to draw logical conclusions.

Key Preparation Strategies:

Understand Legal Terminologies: Familiarize yourself with basic legal terms and jargons used in legal reasoning questions.

Practice Legal Reasoning Questions: Engage with various legal reasoning questions from sample papers and mock tests to enhance your analytical skills.

Stay Updated with Legal News: Regularly read about significant legal cases and judgments to understand the application of laws.

How to Prepare for CLAT Logical Reasoning Section?

Logical Reasoning tests your ability to identify patterns, logical links, and rectify illogical arguments – crucial for law aspirants.

Effective Preparation Tips:

Practice Puzzles: Engage in different types of puzzles, like Sudoku, to enhance your logical thinking.

Solve Logical Reasoning Questions: Regularly practice questions related to syllogisms, logical sequences, and analogies.

Engage in Mock Tests: Clat mock tests will help you understand the complexity and pattern of logical reasoning questions.

How to Prepare for CLAT General Knowledge and Current Affairs?

This section aims to assess your general awareness and current affairs knowledge, which is vital for staying relevant in the legal field.

Strategies for Effective Preparation:

Daily News Habit: Make reading newspapers and watching news channels a daily habit to stay updated with global events.

Use GK Apps: Leverage apps dedicated to General Knowledge and Current Affairs to learn on the go.

Engage in Quizzes: Participate in online quizzes to test your knowledge and improve recall during the exam.

Create Notes: Maintain a notebook for jotting down important events, which can be revised closer to the exam date.

Prepare Notes of Daily Current Affairs:

In the dynamic world of law, staying updated with current affairs is not just a requirement but a necessity. To achieve a High score in Law CLAT Exam, one must be well-versed with the latest happenings, both nationally and internationally.

Why Preparing Daily Notes is Crucial:

Consistent Learning: Making daily notes ensures that you’re consistently updating your knowledge. This habit prevents the accumulation of topics and reduces last-minute cramming.

Quick Revision: As the clat exam date approaches, having a compilation of daily notes will provide a concise source for revision, ensuring you don’t miss out on any important event.

Enhanced Retention: Writing down information has been scientifically proven to enhance retention. When you jot down daily events, you’re more likely to remember them during the exam.

Tips for Effective Note-making:

Dedicate a Specific Time: Choose a specific time of the day, preferably morning or evening, to go through the news and make notes.

Categorize Information: Organize your notes under headings like ‘National’, ‘International’, ‘Economics’, and ‘Legal Updates’. This structured approach will make revision more manageable.

Use Digital Platforms: In today’s digital age, leverage apps and websites that provide daily current affairs summaries. They can serve as a base for your notes.

Take Mock Tests Regularly:

One of the most effective strategies to ensure a High score in Law CLAT Exam is to regularly engage with clat mock tests. These tests not only gauge your preparation level but also familiarize you with the clat exam pattern.

Benefits of Regular Mock Tests:

Real-time Assessment: Mock tests provide a real-time assessment of your strengths and areas that need improvement. This feedback is invaluable in fine-tuning your preparation strategy.

Time Management: The clat exam is time-bound, and managing time efficiently is crucial. Regular mock tests help you strategize how much time to allocate to each section, ensuring you attempt all questions.

Reduced Exam Anxiety: Familiarity breeds confidence. By simulating the actual exam environment multiple times, you reduce anxiety and stress on the actual exam day.

Understanding Question Patterns: Regularly solving question papers and sample papers through mock tests helps you understand the types of questions that frequently appear, enabling better preparation.

Tips for Effective Mock Test Practice:

Analyze Each Test: After every mock test, spend time analyzing your mistakes. Understand the concepts behind the questions you got wrong and revise them.

Simulate Exam Conditions: Try to replicate the actual exam environment. This means no distractions, a set time limit, and using an OMR sheet if possible.

Diverse Sources: Don’t rely on mock tests from just one source. Different platforms have different question sets, which will give you a broader perspective.


Embarking on the journey to ace the CLAT is no small feat, and every aspirant should be proud of the dedication and hard work they’re putting in. Remember, the path to achieving a high score in the Law CLAT Exam is not just about rigorous study but also about believing in oneself, and having the right guidance can significantly impact your preparation. The Guidance Institute for Competitive Exams is a beacon for many in this journey.

Every challenge you face, every mock test you take, and every hour you dedicate brings you one step closer to your dream law school. It’s essential to keep the bigger picture in mind and not get disheartened by minor setbacks. The CLAT is not just a test of your academic knowledge but also of your perseverance, determination, and resilience. Your association with institutions like the Guidance Institute for Competitive Exams can provide the necessary support and direction in conquering this milestone.

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