UGC NET Result 2022 DECLARATION | UGC NET Scorecard 2022 | UGC NET Cut Off Marks 2022
Declaration of results of UGC-NET December 2021 & June 2022 (Merged Cycles) The UGC-NET December 2021 & June 2022 (Merged Cycles) was conducted by NTA in 4 Phases up to 22 October 2022 spread over 17 days at 837 centres in 239 cities across the country.
The Examination was conducted in Computer Based Test (CBT) mode for 82 Subjects (including multiple shifts exams for Bengali, Commerce, English, Hindi, Histroy, Kannada, Malayam, Oriya & Polictical Science).
A total no. of 544485 Candidates appeared out of which 43246 Candidates qualified for Assistant Professor while 8955 Candidates were declared qualified for JRF & eligible for Assistant Professor.
i. The exam was conducted for 17 days in 33 unique shifts.
ii. Live CCTV Surveillance through more than 2690 CCTVs approx. was carried out throughout the examination.
iii. A total of about 2450 jammers in each shift were installed to prevent cheating using mobile network and other electronic devices.
iv. 18 Regional Coordinators, 199 City Coordinators and 837 Observers were deployed for the smooth conduct of UGC-NET December 2021 & June 2022 (Merged Cycles).
v. In order to make the examination system transparent, the Question Paper, provisional answer keys and recorded responses of candidates were hosted on the NTA website https://ugcnet.nta.nic.in to challenge. Challenges received were verified by the experts and results were processed as per the answer keys finalized by experts.
vi. Results of the UGC-NET December 2021 & June 2022 (Merged Cycles) are now hosted on https://ugcnet.nta.nic.in. Candidates can login to the website and view/download/print their Score Card.
vii. As per the UGC policy, 6% of those candidates who appear in both the papers and obtain minimum qualifying marks in aggregate of both the papers are declared NET qualified. The slots of JRFs of both UGC-NET December 2021 & June 2022 cycles have been merged, while the methodology for Subject wise cum Category-wise allocation of JRFs remains unchanged.
viii. The eligibility criteria, self-declaration, various documents, etc. of the eligible candidates shall be verified as per norms specified in the Information Bulletin 2022. NTA does not have any responsibility towards correctness/genuineness of the uploaded information/documents during the application process.
ix. The responsibility of NTA is limited to inviting online applications, conduct of the entrance test, declaration of result and providing the results to University Grants Commission (UGC), Department of Social Justice & Empowerment and to NSFDC, for further action at their end.
x. The certificates will be issued by NTA to the qualified candidates shortly.
UGC-NET is a test to determine the eligibility of Indian nationals for ‘ Assistant Professor’ and ‘Junior Research Fellowship and Assistant Professor ’ in Indian universities and colleges.
The selection of candidates for the following Fellowships of the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment and the Ministry of Minorities Affairs is also made through the UGC-NET:
- National Fellowship for Scheduled Caste Students (NFSC)
- National Fellowship for Other Backward Classes (NFOBC)
- Maulana Azad National Fellowship for Minority Students (MANF)
Candidates aspiring for the Fellowships listed above, shall also have to apply for the Test. FOR MORE INFORMATION ABOUT NO OF POSTS ACQUIRED CLICK HERE